First, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day... I hope everyone is having a fabulous day... I know I am!!! My heart is filled with love and I am so thankful for everyone I have in my life. This day is extra special for me because something truly amazing is taking place at this very moment. My uncle Scott, who I love so very much, is getting a new kidney today! He had a transplant 10 years ago and did very well until about 3 years ago. His kidney failed and he's been on dialysis ever since. He's been waiting patiently for this day to come and it has finally arrived. A couple of months ago, his Dr. informed him that they were going to do a "kidney swap". The way it works is: If you need a kidney, you have to have someone whose willing to give up a kidney for someone else. And it's kind of like a chain effect. There are 12 people involved~ 6 living donors and 6 recievers and all of these people are in some way involved with the other... So, my uncles' sister Cindy is donating her kidney, so that my uncle can recieve a kidney. Cindy went into surgery this morning to have hers removed and she is doing great! Her kidney is going to a lady in St. Louis. A little confusing, but an amazing outcome. I am overwhelmed at the generosity and kindness of all that are involved. There is no greater gift than the gift of life. I ask that you will all keep these families in your prayers. What a great day this is for so many. I'm happy to report that my uncle's kidney is in and he's doing as well as expected at this time. I will certainly keep you all posted! I love you Scott!!
Wow! What a happy post! I wish you and your family all the best!
I am praying for you all. Congrats on the kidney!! It really is amazing what is going on all around us that we don't even think about. Love you and hope you and the fam are doing well. -robyn
wonderful news!
I wish your family all the best!
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Trinkets and Treasures
Great news!!
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